Sexual intercourse has been defined as the sexual act between two sexually mature per­sons belonging to the opposite sexes with the purpose of consummating sexual satisfaction and resulting in the ejaculation of the semen into the vagina at the end of the act. There arc several stages of complete intercourse. They are the prelude, love-play, sexual union and epilogue or after-glow. Love is thus like a drama which must be played from the begin­ning to the end if we must get complete pleasure out of it.

Love Play

The prelude to sexual union begins when the sex impulses of both partners arc stirred. It leads to the second stage which is generally represented by the erotic kiss. The amorous kissing works up the husband and the wife for the grand finale-the sexual climax. Kissing should not he the placing of the cold, insipid lifeless lips together. Human kissing should not be like kissing a statue of stone. In the twilight of love let kissing be brief and gentle. Let it grow with love and when you have crossed the first stage: of love-play, kissing will . automatically become more passionate. .

There arc various ways of kissing and various parts of the body where a kiss can be planted with great advantage. One learns from experience where the kisses produce the greatest sexual stimulation. This inevitably leads the partners to an amorous embrace and cling to each other like glue. All this is part of love-play.

Embracing and kissing kindle the desire. Caressing intensifies it with the exception of the face, parts good for kissing are good for caressing, too. Both forms of love-play are concerned with sense of touch.Caressing means fondling with finger tips, the palms or the tongue. The nipples arc caressed with the finger tips and the thumb as in the process of milking. No force should be used. Caress­ing implies tenderness. .

Embracing like kissing and caressing, is an important const of love play. There are no definite rules for embracing. The most important is the Complete Fusion Embrace. The lovers forget momentarily that they arc two different individuals, They feel as if they have united themselves into one body and one soul. This goes on till there is a desire for penetrntiol1 or the male organ into the vagina. By this time the woman's sexual passage is well lubricated and throbs for reception. Both partners become blind under the urge of a violent passion. They clasp each other violently and desire to have their bodies fused.

Bed of Love

The bedroom should contain a double bed. It should be thickly mattresses and slightly depressed in the middle. It should be covered with a white linen sheet. It should be pro­ vided with two spare pillows. Beside the bed should be a small table. It should have a jar of perfume, a jug of water, a mirror, a clean towel, a few books and a flower pot. The room should have two comfortable: but strongly-built chairs. The walls should be decorated with artistic pictures of beauty and love-making. Besides the ordinary light, till room should have a bulb of weak coloured light to be switched on and off when neces­sary. The switches should be reached from the bed while lying.

Ethics of Sex

It is wrong for a husband to turn his back immediately after the intercourse is over. This must he followed by after-play without which the act is not complete. Men are more prone to full asleep immediately after the intercourse. Women regard it as an inexcusable lack of respect and as an animal for satisfaction when a man, two minutes after the orgasm, turns on his hack and falls asleep without even troubling to say good night and is soon emitting snores. In love manuals, the fact is usually emphasized that in the woman excitement increases more slowly and volup­tuous sensations die out less quickly, so that she has not reached the state of complete physical and mental relaxation by the 'time the man, now quite calm. has gone to sleep. This is, therefore, not an absolute rule, but a woman sometimes remains awake for some time after intercourse. and has leisure in which to brood over the small amount of satisfaction which she derived from the sexual act. Sexual excitement is often powerless to overcome sleeplessness when the latter is due to worries, mental or otherwise, such as the fear of pregnancy or of menstruation.

If, however, intercourse has been as satis­factory for the woman as for the man, her relaxation is still more marked than his, because she have made a much more strenuous effort. She wants to stretch her limbs, to rest her whole body and avoid all excitement. In short, a thoroughly satisfied woman goes to sleep as quickly and as deeply as the man.

It is necessary here to impress upon the lovers the need to pay special attention to the epilogue of the sex act, because this is perhaps the next neglected aspect of love making. It costs nothing to the man but makes a world of difference to the woman. It can be easily done. A word of Jove, a gentle kiss or an affectionate embrace or -even a mere tender touch may give the Woman that extra bit of satisfaction she is entitled to. After-play is essential to ideal sexual - union. It has a tremendous psychological impact on the woman.

In chapter seven, we, have already discussed the roles of the bride and the bridegroom on the wedding night. It is not necessary, there­ fore, to repeat them here. Suffice it to say that delicacy and tenderness should always be used when making an approach towards the wife and her passions should be gradually aroused, No effort should be made to force the pace until the wife is receptive and desires a sexual union.

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