Sex is a very complex phenomenon. Physi­cal, psychological and emotional factors are involved in the sex relation. Sex plays a dominant role in marriage. A happy union is not possible without a satisfactory sex re­lationship. Immediately after marriage, the husband and the wife require a dynamic sex relationship. This high harmony does not come forth like a mushroom, developing spontaneously. It requires an understanding of the mechanism of sex.

Marital life is unsatisfactory without sex attraction. Sexual disharmony is responsible for most of the domestic difficulties. The sex factor plays a dominant role in marital satis­faction. Dickinson and Hearn have made an analytical survey of' over a thousand marriages and have come to the following conclusion:

"If the data in this study reinforce anyone concept it is that satisfactory sexual relations are necessary to fully adjusted and successful unions." .

We have moved a great deal forward from the prudishness and false modesties of former generations. Some sexual. diehards still on reactionary traditions. Time and tide demand that we .should emerge from the puritanical era of taboos and inhibitions. Let there be no suppressions al1d repressions of previous ages. The rise of Freudian psycho­logy and the great dissemination of sex know­ledge have given us an increased awareness of the signif1cance of the sexual impulse. There should be a frank revaluation and reappraisal of sex ethics and social standards.

According to Margaret Meed. "the need of a technique to deal with sex ;:IS an art" should be fully recognised and universally acknowledged, as in the Hindu book Kama' Sutra, written about sixteen hundred years ago.

Sex Technique

"When I speak of the technique of, sex", says the doctor in Drs. Hannah and Abraham Stone's A Marriage Manual, "I am referring to the effective performance of the sexual act. This requires. first of all, an understanding of the mechanism involved, of the anatomical and physiological processes of sexual union and secondly, an appreciation of the art of sexual love, that is of the means by which the sex relationship may be made most satisfy­ing to both mates.

"From a physical viewpoint, the sex act involves the union or coaptation of the male and female genitals. It is well that both the man and the woman should have some under­standing of the structure and functions of the sex organs, their respective relations to each other, the changes which occur during sexual stimulation and excitation, the position to be taken in order to bring the organs into satis­factory apposition __ in other words, the actual mechanism of the sexual union. It may not be necessary to follow Balzac's rhetorical suggestion that a nun should not marry 'before he has studied anatomy and has dis­sected at least one woman, but it is certainly true the some knowledge of sexual anatomy is of considerable help to the satisfactory consummation of the sex act."

Pubic Region

The pubic region is that part of the body in which the sex organs arc located. When a boy begins to grow up, hair appears on this region. This takes place some time between the ages of 13 and 17 and the hair is known as the Pubic Hair. During puberty, hair also shows its appearance in the armpits and on the chin. The first growth of hair is very fine but it becomes thick after some time.


The testicles are two in number. There is a bag of skin which contains them. " This bag is called the scrotum and hangs down between thighs below the penis. The average size of each testicle (glandular ball) in a grown up man is one and a half inches in length and one inch in breadth. Some people think that a man who possesses big testicles has more sex power. It is not correct. The testicles remain in hanging in the scrotum by means of connective tissues thin threads made of flesh. As shown in the diagram, the inner structure of a testicle consists of a sort of network of a great number of extremely small tubes which contain blood vessels. The function of these tubes is to produce semen, The scientists have found out that one drop of semen is produced from 80 to 100 drops of blood.. Each drop of semen contains a very large number of extremely small living germs which cannot be seen by the naked eye. These are known as Spermatozoa. Under the micro­scope these can be seen in motion. The pro­duction semen in a man starts at the approach of puberty and goes on till the man grows very, very old. When semen is discharged in a woman's vagina at the time of the sexual union the minute spermatozoa unite with the ovum coming from the woman and produce pregnancy. How conception takes place will be discussed in detail later. For the time being, it should he observed how important a part the testicles play. On their proper functioning depends the future of manhood. Healthy semen is required not only to produce children but if it is rightly preserved in the body it also increases physi­cal, mental and intellectual powers to a very great extent. On the other hand, if it is wasted very frequently, it leads to physical and mental weakness. If the testicles of n man be removed, he will become impotent. In olden days the testicles of certain types of criminals were removed as a penalty for their crimes.


The penis of children is very small but at the time of puberty it grows in size. The average size of penis in a healthy young male is 3 to 4 inches in length and 2 to 4 inches in, circumference when it is in an unexcited condition. But in the excited condition, i.e., when it is erect, its size becomes large and its muscles become rigid in this condition the average size of the penis is 6 to 7 inches in length and 21/2 to 4 inches in circumference. It may, however, be stated here that the size of penis differs in various individuals and also in the people of different countries For example, in Negroes its size is very large 5 to 7 inches in length in unexcited condition and 8 to 10 inches In excited condi­tion. We will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a long or small penis later.

The penis is made up of muscles, spongy. tissues, blood vessels and skin. It. hangs down like a pendulum above the testicles. Now, when a man's passion is excited either:

(i) by thought, i.e., 011 seeing a figure of a

naked woman or some part of her body;

on reading the literature describing the

act of love, all seeing a young man

kissing or embracing a young girl, etc.,

or .

(ii) by action , i.e., Oil kissing or embracing

a young girl ; when penis is touched by some part of a woman's body.. etc.

a large quantity of blood rushes to the mus­cles and the spongy tissue of the penis which consequently grows in size, becomes erect and very hard. When the penis in this state is inserted in the woman's vagina and discharge of semen takes place the muscles of the penis at once relax.

The blood rushes back from the penis which resumes its original size.

The front of the penis is called the Glans. It is slightly thicker than the rest of the penis. It is covered by skin which can he moved backwards and forwards. At the approach of puberty, when the size of the penis grows this skin moves back and makes the penis naked. The Glans penis is the most sensitive part of the male organ and a slight touch by the woman of the Glans penis excites passion in man and makes the makes the penis erect. To and fro movements of Glans penis in a woman's vagina cause friction in it and give the most pleasure to a man in the sexual act. This will be described in detail in another chapter.

Semen and urine pass out of the body of a man through a canal which runs through the penis and opens at the centre of the Glans penis. This canal is known as urethra. Thus, there arc two functions of the penis. First it passes out the urine coming from the urinary bladder through the urethra. Secondly, it conveys the semen up to the uterus of the woman through her vagina.

The Prostate Gland

This gland is located between the root of penis and the urinary bladder. The urethra passes through this gland. This gland Can be touched by a finger inserted through the anus. In these days some sexual disease are cured by massage or application of certain ointments on this gland. This can be done, either by a finger or by certain apparatus specially manufactured for this purpose, through the anus. Proper functioning of this gland is considered necessary for the maintenance of sexual strength. The secretion produced by this gland mixes with semen at the time of discharge.

The Seminal Vesicles

The Seminal vesicles are two small bags located just behind the urinary bladder and their function is to store the semen so that enough of it may be discharged in the vagina of a women at the time of the sexual union. As has already been stated, the function of the testicles is to produce semen from the blood that comes to them. Now, one would like to know what happens to the semen produced by the testicles. The semen so produced is carried to the semenal vesicles by means of long tubes. These tubes are called Vas dc1erc'IIs and arc two in number-one coming out of each testicle. Vas defer ell.'; carrying the semen take a round of the urinary bladder and open into the seminal vesicles where the semen is stored. The seminal vesicles also secrete a thick fluid of their own. In the excited condition, this fluid lubricates the inner wails of urethra so that there is no dit1lculty at the time of ejaculation of semen.

It is obvious from the situation of the seminal vesicles that during sleep when the urinary bladder and the colon (lower part of big intestines) are full, J great pressure is put on the seminal vesicles and the semen is discharged. So, a great many cases of night pollutions can be slopped if the bladder is emptied at regular i!1tcryelIs and constipation is avoided.

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