The whole body of a woman is brought to a pinpoint in sexual stimulation. All her imagination is concentrated. Sex is not a part. It is the whole man. That is why a­ person, in the heat of sexual stimulation is nearer to the Cosmic Centre than at any time when he hovers precariously about the circum­ference.

"Nearly every part of the body is brought into activity during sexual stimulation and sexual union. The nervous mechanism, the glandular system, the muscular apparatus, the special senses, particularly the senses of touch, of sight, of odour-all of them playa part in sex activity. The physical changes which take place during the sexual relations are, in fact, so widespread that they involve the entire organism."

The Copulatory Climax

The sexual act begins with the insertion of the male organ into the vaginal passage of the female. The reciprocal copulatory movements lead to the sexual climax. The flaccid penis becomes rigid enough to penetrate into the vagina-. The female partner undergoes dis­tinct physical and emotional changes.

"The female genitals, too, undergo certain changes upon sexual arousal. The walls of the vagina become congested. the vaginal opening relaxes and even pouts to some extent. while the clitoris and the smaller labia become tense and slightly erect. At the same time. the glands of the vulva secrete a slippery fluid which moistens the surfaces of the external genitals and helps. the entry of the penis. -Accompanying the local changes, there arc general physical and emotional manifestations of sexual stimulation-the stronger and quick­er impulse, the faster breathing, the dilated pl1pile, the flushed face, the increased muscular activity and nervous excitation. The coital movements increasingly heighten the erotic sensation and rising tension until the release is reached in the climax or orgasm."

Pain experienced by the woman on the wedding night is due to the stretching or breaking of the hymen. The degree of dis­comfort depends upon the texture of the membrane. The patient approach by the husband can lessen this pain. There is a slight bleeding but it does not require any special treatment. It usually stops in a short time. There may be a slight recurrence during the first few subsequent intercourses.


Before describing the female sex organs, it wi11 not be out of place to mention here some­thing about the process of menstruation. When a girl begins to grow young, i.e. at the time of puberty, a discharge of blood through her vagina takes place. Thereafter it occurs again and again after an average period of 28 days. Normally the discharge of blood, which also contains mucus and dead tissues, conti­nues for 4 or 5 days. But in certain cases it­ may stop in a day or may even continue for 7 to 8 days. Such cases are very rare and should be classified as abnormal. The proces5 of menstruation starts in girls some time bet­ween the ages of 12 and 18-earlier in hot climate and later in cold climate--and gene­rally continues till a woman grows old. With the start of menstruation, the female sex organs also develop and a change in the fe­male figure takes place. As to why menstrua­tion starts will be described later.


The. external female organs, i.e., the out­ ward portion .which can be seen by the naked eye, is known as' Vulva.This consists of Monsveneries. Labia Majora. Labia Minora, Clitoris, Urethral opening and the Vaginal opening (which is gcneral1y covered by hymen in virgins). The description of each of these parts is given below.


Above the outer parts of the female sex organs, there is a thick pad of flesh. This fleshy pad is known 'as the monsveneris. At the approach of puberty, this is covered with fine silken pubic hair which later on grow thicker.

Labia Majora and Labia Minora

The inner female sex organs are covered by outer big lips which arc called labia majora and two smaller lips called labia minora. The bigger lips extend from monsveneris to anus and some hair grow on their outer parts. The smaller inner lip:; fold together to enclose the vaginal orifice which opens when these lips are pulled apart or when the pennis is inserted into the vagina. The smaller lips in young girls arc rosy and made up of very elastic tissues.


This is a small knob. like projection situat­ed above the vaginal opening where' the' smaller lips meet. Its length ranges from one third of an inch to one inch. Just like gluns penis in the male, clitoris in the female is the most sensitive sexual part. It also becomes erect and rigid on slight excitation.

It possesses a network of nerves and when­ ever the clitoris of a woman is touched or pressed great excitement is produced in her. In other words, this ;5 a miniature glans penis. During sexual intercourse, the touch­ing of clitoris by the glans penis gives most pleasure to women. Even repeated touching and rubbing of clitoris with finger produces orgasm in women, i.e., the highest sense of pleasure enjoyed by a woman in the sexual act. The clitoris gets somewhat enlarged by masturbation. The presence of a large clitoris in a girt indic:1tes an abnormal sexual desire.

Urethral Opening .

It is a small folded opening lying about an inch below the clitoris and just above the vaginal opening. Its function is to pass out urine stored in the urinary bladder.

Vaginal Opening

It is situated at the lower part of the vulva (below the urethral opening). This is the front opening of the vaginal canal which lies inside


This is a membrane which keeps the vaginal opening closed in virgins. This is called the maiden head. This membrane does not cover the vagina altogether but has a small opening in it to allow the flow of the menstrual fluid. If the hymen is found missing in a virgin, her virginity should not he suspected as in some cases it gets ruptured by falls jumps or excessive flow of menstrual fluid. In other cases, the membrane is so soft and elastic that it remains intact even after a few performances of the sexual act. Thus, the presence of hymen should not be taken as a proof of virginity. Hymen is generally present in virgins and gets ruptured at the time of the first entry of penis in the vagina. As a great pain is felt by the girl at this lime the husband should not insert his organ with great force. The wife should also be told about this pain beforehand so that she may keep herself prepared for it. This subject will he dealt with in detail in the chapter on "Wedding Night".

The internal genital organs of a woman include the vagina, the uterus or womb, the fallopian tubes and the ovaries the penis is inserted during the sexual inter­course. It starts from the vulva and extends as far as the neck of the uterus. Its outer orifice known as the vaginal opening, can he seen by opening out the inner lips. Normally it is from 4 to 7 inches in depth. Its walls are elastic and arc provided with many folds. They are also lined by a mucous membrane producing a thin secretion which keeps the organ moist and clean. The walls of the vagina can contract and relax themselves. Thus, though the vagina of young girls is very narrow, it readily admits the penis when it is inserted into it with a little force. Not only that at the time of childbirth, it relaxes so much as to allow the baby to pass through .

Uterus or Womb

The uterus is situated between the large intestines and the urinary bladder. It is a uterus. Fallopian tubes and Ovaries hollow and pear-shaped organ. The largest part of it lies in the abdominal cavity and the narrow part, ie. the neck of the uterus, projects in the upper portion of the vagina. The uterine neck. which ,is also called the cervix can be felt by introducing a finger into the vagina. The uterus is held in its position by means of cords and muscles from above.

It is about 3 inches long and 2 inches broad at its widest part while in unimpregnated condition. The muscles it is made of are so elastic that the uterus expands considerably in the course of pregnancy. The upper part of the uterus is connected with ovaries by means of two small ducts (one on the left and the other on the right side) called the fallopian tubes. The lower end, i.e., the crevix, has an opening in the vagina called the mouth of the womb which remains open or closed at different occasions. The function of the uterus is to retain and supply nourishment to the impregnated ovum till the child is born.

Fallopian Tubes

The fallopian tubes arc two ducts, from 4 to 6 inches in length and 4 to 6 inches in diameter. which connect either side of the uterus with the ovaries. The function of these tubes is to receive the ova produced by the ovaries and to carry them to the uterus. These also sometimes carry the spermatozoa from the uterus in the direction of ovaries. Thus. a meeting between the spermatozoa and an ovum takes place in the uterus or the fallo­pian tubes. This will be discussed in detail in another chapter.

Ovaries .

The ovaries arc small almond-shaped organs and play the most important part in the reproductive system of a woman, These arc two in number, one lying on the right and the other on the left side of the uterus, in the abdominal cavity. The size of 'he ovaries

A Dissected View of Female Sex Organs

1. Uterus 6. Pubic bone

2. Mouth of the uterus 7. Urinary Bladder

3. Neck of the uterus 8. Ovary

4. Vagina 9. Filii opian Tube

5. ClĂ­toris

varies in different women. Even in the same woman the size of the ovaries varies at different times. Normally the average size of the ovary is about 11 inches in length, 1 inch in breadth and t.3 inch in thickness. As has already been stated, these are connected with uterus by means of ducts known as fallopian tubes. Their function corresponds to that of testicles in the male. As the testicles produce semen, which contains sperms. the ovaries manufac­ture the ova or eggs. Each ovary is estimated to contain n million ova or female generative cells. Out of these, only a few hundred reach maturity. Like testicles. each ovary consists of a net work of fibrous and muscular tissues containing many nerves and blood vessels. If this be seen under a powerful microscope, it will be found that this tissue contains many small sacs or vesicles. These are cal1cd the Grafian follicles and contain ova. Normally a follicle comes to maturity after every four weeks, sometimes in one, sometimes in the other ovary. When the mature ovum comes out of the follicle, a number of small blood vessels break and blood comes out of the woman's body through the vagina and is known as the menstrual flow. How the ovum gets impregnated and how it grows into a child will be described in detail in the chapter on "Conception".

Mammary Glands

The mammary glands, which arc also known as t he breasts, are two sexual glands:

The breasts start to develop al the approach of puberty and assume the hemispherical shape. The breast mainly consists of glan­dural, fatty and connective tissue, These arc combined together and form a very tough, firm and elastic mass, which looks like clusters of grapes. In the centre there is the nipple surrounded by small circles of rose-pink tissues. The colour is a bit darker in certain cases. The nipple is supplied with muscular fibres, blood vessels and milk ducts. The nipple is also very sensitive when it is touched, twisted or fondled, it becomes stiff and erect and produces extremely pleasant sensation in the woman whose sexual passion is also aroused. During pregnancy the breasts in crease in volume due to the growth of new sacs. These sacs contain cells which secrete milk. The milk is collected by small ducts and brought into bigger ducts known as lactiferous ducts through which it passes out of the nipple.

The reader must be aware that a full grown breast of a young woman has always been considered the most beautiful portion of female form. An ideally formed breast is always one of the greatest feminine charms which fascinate those opposite sex. Thus, it is very important for every woman to preserve the shape and size of her breasts. The me­thods by which their beautiful roundness and firmness can be maintained wil1 be described ill another chapter.

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